Noah Mahieu - "Zen Brain"
French team rider Noah Mahieu's first full part, for Free Skate Mag.
Corey Duffel - Welcome to Orbs Wheels!
Orbs Wheels has officially abducted Corey Duffel! Welcome to the team, legend.
Welcome Playlist No. 4 by Ryan Townley
We asked Welcome pro Ryan Townley to make a playlist to accompany his new "Layers" Part on Thrasher. Below is a bit of insight from Ryan on why he choose these songs. Enjoy!
New Ryan Townley Part - "Layers"
Ryan starts the year off with over 4 minutes of new footage for you to enjoy. Truly the hardest working man we know - he never stops filming.
Welcome X Soft Kill Limited Collaboration
In commemoration of their new album, Dead Kids, R.I.P. City, we teamed up with our friends in Soft Kill to bring you three limited pieces, an interview, and an exclusive live video.
Baculus 2.0 Shape Review- Will Blaty
Will Blaty breaks down what make the Baculus 2.0 shape so enchanting!
The Welcome Office Presents "You Belong With Me" (Taylor Swift Cover)
Over the last year we discovered that the majority of people that work here can play an instrument. Additionally alot of us also admire Taylor Swift. To that end, we decided to make a music video for ourselves to celebrate Halloween. We had so much fun making it we wanted to share it in hopes it brings you a bit of joy in these dark times.
DVargs Effigy Shape Review
Daniel explains the secrets of his signature model shape so you can better comprehend the powers you wield when you step on one.
The Making of "Seance" - Will Blaty & Aaron Goure
"You're about to be uplifted... to another realm!" - Aaron
The Making of "Seance" - Jason Salillas
Grab a snack and treat yourself to almost 11 minutes of Jason Salillas skateboarding in front of a camera for his part in our video "Seance".
Welcome Playlist No. 3 by Aaron Goure

"As skateboarders we probably spend more time in the car driving from place to place than we actually do skating. For that reason I decided to make my playlist a road trip themed mix of songs that my friends and I have been listening to on our recent drives. A lot of these are also big inspirations for my own music that I’ve been producing the last few years."

- Aaron

Chris Miller - The Chrome Ball Incident Interview
Chrome Ball has put together the most comprehensive interview of Chris ever published. Click here to dive into the deep end of the original Combi bowl.
Ryan Lay - "Finding the Right Thing" - Solo Mag Interview
Head over to the Solo Mag site to read an insightful new interview with Welcome Pro Ryan Lay. 
Welcome Playlist No. 2 by Shane Cox
At this point I think we have all agreed that, as years go, 2020 is the biggest shitshow in modern history. That said, even through the seemingly constant darkness there have been bright spots - the most notable of which has been a long overdue global awakening to issues of social and racial inequalities and injustices. Another area of light that has provided me some excitement, joy, and escapism has been, as it always is, new music. Despite everything, 2020 has still managed to be a great year for music, and I think we need that music now more than ever. Here are a few of my favorite songs that have been released since January...
Moontrimmer 2.0 Shape Review by Aaron Goure
Aaron Goure reviews the Moontrimmer 2.0 shape. Will he be able to even skate it? It's not a "normal shape"... will he fit in? The kids want conformity super bad.
"Followed: Ryan Townley" by Pocket Skate Mag
"Join our day with Ryan Townley as we work on a collage, hit slappy curbs, get a clip, and take the Echo Park swans for a wild ride. So much fun in one day.
Good times, indeed."
- Pocket Mag
Welcome Playlist No. 1 by Jason Celaya
As many of you know, music is a huge driver in the Welcome story. So this is the first of many playlists from the people who make Welcome what it is. Instead of just giving you a bunch of songs, we want to give you the specifics on why the selections either move us or what they have inspired. Hopefully we introduce you to something new and maybe less homogeneous than what you have been exposed to. We will keep each playlist 1 hour or shorter to make it a more curated list (1000s of important songs left off which we will get to over time).
Aaron Goure - "Am Scramble" Rough Cut
All of the Goure footage your insatiable little heart desires.
"Wellspring" - Ryan Lay in Palestine
Welcome rider Ryan Lay is one of our favorite people in the world and one of the hardest working skateboarders you'll ever meet. He recently took a solo trip to Palestine with the help of his friends at Skate Pal and brought his unique approach to a ton of spots you've most likely never seen before.
Aaron Goure in "Am Scramble" 2019
Welcome rider Aaron Goure is guaranteed to please in the 3rd annual Thrasher "Am Scramble". If you watch closely you might even get a glimpse of his alter ego Dr. Thraxxx in the studio.
Hypebeast Diaries - Evan Mock
Hypebeast profiles Welcome rider Evan Mock with this video and interview.